The audience (public) have the choice of these fonts to choose from, this gives us an opinion on which font would be most effective to use on our thriller for the sub headings etc.
Andre, Jordan and Arijana Media Treatment.
The title of our thriller will be ‘Forbidden’. This was our choice as it restricts the audience from predicting what will happen in the thriller. Our tagline will be “The price they paid was never on offer”.
The genre of this film will be a crime / investigation thriller. This is because there is an investigator who is trying gather information on someone who is committing a crime. We have chosen to make a crime thriller so that we can attract a specific audience. From research we have carried out their has been a large percentage who enjoy this type of genre. Such as parents who have kids and teenagers who like mysteries in films.
The plot of the film will be a dad running for priminister who has a daughter. He hires an investigator to follow his daughter around to protect his reputation from any scandals coming out. As the investigator is following the daughter around he finds out one night that the daughter may be dealing with drugs. He knows this because he follows a car that she gets into and sees her leave the car with a package. The investigator then reports to the dad that something is happening with the daughter. The investigator is given orders to continue following her around and find out more information. So the investigator one day follows into her in a coffee shop were he starts to interact with her. Then the daughter starts to talk to the investigator not knowing that he has been following her. However as they exchange numbers and get to know each other more, the investigator begins to fall for her. As the daughter continues to deal drugs she gets into big trouble. She is kidnapped by a big drug baron who claims she stole from him and owes loads of money. As the investigator tries to rescue her she manages to get hold of a gun and kills the drug baron. To protect the fathers reputation and because he is in love with the daughter the investigator decides to go to jail and take the blame.
In the opening sequence, an establishing shot of the area and surroundings, whilst this is happening you will see the titles along the bottom of the screen. There will be long shots and medium shots of the daughter in her house getting ready to go out. Also there will be extreme close ups of the daughter’s hands and eyes as she looks through her things. It will then cut to a restricted shot of the investigator who is secretly watching the daughter through her window with binoculars and a camera. This creates a red herring for the audience, as they would believe that the antagonist is the investigator, when he is actually the protagonist. Also this creates a theatre of the mind, as the audience will picture what the character looks like. Next it will go back to a medium shot of the daughter walking towards the front door about to leave her house. Once she leaves her home there will be a P.O.V shot from the investigators point of view and a tracking shot looking directly at the daughter as she gets into the car. There will then be medium shots of the driver of the car and close ups of the exchange of the package.
In the opening sequence of the thriller we will be using three characters. The first character would be a female playing an antagonist.
The female would secretly be dealing with drugs under the nose of her Mp father. She has a very intimidating attitude however looks innocent from the way she presents herself to the audience. This will change original views of a male being the antagonist and a female being the victim. As we will be playing with the conventions of a normal thriller
The opening location will be set in a house that is in the city, this will be on location. We chose to have it set in the city as it is conventional of a thriller. This house will be decorated to show its owned by a female and it will have very dull colours to show that she is the antagonist. In the scene that is set outside we will be on a side road that is also on location. The inside setting will have very dim lighting to go along with the conventions of thrillers and to make the audience feel tension . The props used will include make up and a rucksack. Also you will find that we will be using cars.
Target audience
My target audience for this thriller is aimed at both genders between the ages of 15 to early 40’s; reason being that the female character is a drug dealer who doesn’t fit the stereotype of your usual drug dealer. I think that this will mostly appeal to working class audience this is because they are most likely to be able relate to this however higher class people are also able to relate to this as the female character comes from an affluent family background. I think that our audiences’ hobbies would include things such as; crime video games and movies, our audience must also take interest in investigations and problem solving.
During the opening sequence we will play dramatic orchestral music, which will be low in tempo and gradually get louder. This creates tension and keeps the audience wanting more. Then through out the thriller we will play a soundtrack made by us. The music will also be a huge indication of what happens next. For example when something bad is going to happen the music will suddenly become tense, dramatic and loud although there may also be cheap surprises.
Narrative devices
Through out the film you will see a range of narrative devices. Firstly there will be omniscient narration as we the audience will know things that the key characters do not. For example we will know that the female character is being watched however she will not. When the female character gets into the car and is given a package, this creates an enigma code. There is also a closed narrative. This is because the audience will know that the female character was saved and that the investigator goes to jail leaving a resolution. The whole film will have a linear narrative. This is because the events all happen in the way in which it is told.